Thread: 17.5 Tires
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Old 12-17-2008, 01:20 AM   #13
'68 C-20
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Re: 17.5 Tires

I am pretty sure a late model truck would not be interested in them, particulary being Bias Ply.

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
if you have to pay $10 to get rid of them i'd b leaving them in a walmart or sears parking lot
There's a thought! Maybe I could buy 4 15's for the Wife's Z-24 at Wal-mart, then "return" these and get my money back! :-)

Originally Posted by chevy29267truck View Post
well my rims are 17 somthing but the tires on the rims are 16 inchs
Dude! Do you have any idea what you wrote? Glad I didn't have to be the tire guy to mount them!

factorystock, thanks, everything on my truck is period correct, and it's a gonna' stay that way. If'n it wern't OEM or an Option in '68 it aint a gonna be on it.

When I was a kid we owned the local Mobil Service Station in town. My intent is to turn the '68 into the period correct Road Service Truck like the one my Grandfather "Pappy" owned. Just need to find a couple more parts. I have the correct tow bar, his tool box, tow chains, jumper cables, built the cab protector with double sided yellow Dietz Round flashing yellow lights, I have the have red rear facing Dietz lights for Brake/Turn while towing. Have the spotlight for the A-Piller to install.

Need to find two chrome movable spot lights to mount on the cab protector that could be turned to shine on the car you were working on. Have a friend with a FireTruck with two on the rear I hope to liberate and have re-chromed. I Need a period fuel can with the MobilOil or MobilGas logo, and need to have some Magnetic Door signs with the business name and Mobil Flying Horse made. Oh and I am searching for a particular bumper style, but I am going to post that to another thread.
DIY body and paint work is cheap, making it look good... priceless
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Last edited by '68 C-20; 12-17-2008 at 01:26 AM. Reason: Spelling
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