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Old 12-18-2008, 01:08 AM   #6
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Re: how to avoid late fees in cal dmv?

If you lein sale it the DMV just notifies the registered owner right? That could be trouble if the guy you bought it from is not on board with the plan or isn't the registered owner. You would have to discard the pink which gives him rights again. The lein works better if the registration is so far out its dropped from DMV records.(which they stopped doing in the 90's). If it's on record with back fees I think you might be stuck. I have had luck calling trucks historical or classic (don't recall the wording at the DMV) to get the fees waived, all depends on who you get at the DMV or Autoclub if you belong.

CA DMV does have some crazy rules. That happed to me on a '68 and the fees were more than I paid for the truck.
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