I just thought this was too cool......
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12-21-2008, 01:14 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Dayton, WA
Posts: 455
Re: I just thought this was too cool......
Originally Posted by
Yeah zeek, spent lots of dollars at KB growing up
Im posting this for originalJD; I know there are many model and collectable threads already. I started this 57 Chevy over a year ago and it sat until I was inspired by this thread. It was painted and I just finished the chrome trim and touched up the paint a bit. I never finished 'cuz I painted all the chrome trim by hand and then sprayed it with a 'translucent' candy red. I thought the trim would look cool tinted and then the candy buried the color. After the painting was buried I was disappointed. Now that I stuck the stuff on it turned out ok. Its built curbside with no engine; just glued the stuff shut and lowered it. Maybe I'll drag that 1/12th scale out and finish it, too!!
Nice! I really like that 57. I have a few custom 57's myself. Most of my models are all packed up in storage or I'd post some pics of the 57's I have. I love build models and I get burned out on them to sometimes. Just like I do when it comes to workin on my 66 Chevy. I have to find inspiration to get goin on it too after a while. Here are a few pics of some of the models I do have out at this time.
Never crush'em. Restor'em or recycle'em. The payoff is always worth it in the end.
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