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Old 12-21-2008, 07:10 PM   #4
Parts and more parts
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Re: Well, I gave it a go,,,

That orange peel effect that you see on the nose of the hood can be controlled by changing your paint nozzle and slow down on the application less paint per pass, so to speak. With practice, you can lay it on pretty close to smooth.

Good thing to start on and practice. The big flat surface will give you time to play and grow in this area. Many would not even try, go for it.

I agree, cover everything that you do NOT want overspray on. It is bad enough that the vapors still get into every crack and crevice, but overspray isa finish killer to your day.

Stay away from the newspaper if you can. It bleeds through to easily. If nothing else, go to Harbor freight and get their rolls of masking paper.
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