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Old 12-22-2008, 01:57 PM   #395
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Re: Building a Blazer - vtblazer's Way

After sitting down and thinking things though, I cut back on a couple parts and added a couple too.

I was goofing around on the Extreme axle site making a mock up order with all the parts I 'thought' I wanted to replace and then looked over the saw the (potential) total.

Needless to say, I decide to take a different approach.

Until I pull things apart, clean up and inspect each part, all I'm ordering are the basics right now.
*Diff cover & a seal kit but here's the kicker...

Seeing I had to order a new hub lockout set and seeing how both the 30 spline and the 35 spline kits are the same price, I decided to bump up the toughness of the D60 with a set of alloy 4340 35 spline outers w/full circle clips.

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