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Old 12-23-2008, 06:10 PM   #8
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Re: Too much lift!!!???

I have been thinking about this for somet time.. and may or may not have come up with the problem. When figuring the lift did you take into account the original location of the shackle where it connects to the leaf. See attachment. If it doesnt make sense or my logic is not correct let me know.

Take the distance from the middle of the mounting bolt of the shackle in its original location to the shackle in it's new location and add that to the 4" lift springs.
I know that shackles (both new and old) lift 1/2 of thier length, so maybe take half the shackle length, plus distange between new shackle mounting point, plus 4" lift leaf.

Say the original shackle is 5" long
new shackle is 6" long
The new shackle mounting position is 4" lower than stock
and you have 4" leaf springs.


If the new shackle mounting position is only 2.5" lower then it would look like this.

Either one looks to be about how much lift you have now..

I would get stock height leaf springs to get down to the lift you want.
Attached Images
File Type: pdf shackle.pdf (80.7 KB, 90 views)
1982 Chevy Silverado 350/th350.... RETIRED
1993 Jeep XJ 2 door(Cherokee) 4wd 4.0ltr/AX-15 (5spd)/NP231
Oklahoma Roll Call

Last edited by Prerunner1982; 12-23-2008 at 07:07 PM.
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