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Old 12-24-2008, 09:53 PM   #3
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Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
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Re: Newbie Build, 69 fleetside

every adjacent area to the overhead was rusted out, after the drip rail failed and leaked water in, everything rusted where water got to, the head panel, the tops of both pillars, the bottoms of the pillars, even the upper part of the door frame was completely rusted out, i cut it out in a nice long rectangle and replace with another piece of metal, it warped a little bit because i wasnt spot welding and jumping from place to place like i shoulda been, but it turned out ok after enough wacking with a hammer and smoothing.

ill have some finished pictures of this area later.

this pic here shows the front a little, you can see the tops and bottoms of the pillars and see the repairs... i didnt put in replacement metals though, i ended up grinding out everything and since it was so pitted i had about a quarter size piece of metal and then had to fill in the rest since it was such a curved surface and it was all i could do at the time, turned out good and its still new metal.
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