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Old 12-26-2008, 06:55 PM   #1
Dr. Evil
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Bernardsville, NJ
Posts: 164
My barn find (Warehouse )

I wanted to show better pictures of Josie my 1970 GMC Grand Sierra.
The build sheet is confusing.
Z17 and Z84 , Custom Trim over the door handle and Sierra Grande Trim?
Vinyl top and glove box?
I am sure it is a decent find, 71 k miles and runs real good.
I want to lower it , save parts and keep them to return her to stock if I ever want to.
The coils are HD all around, Is the 2 /4 CPP kit the least intrusive?
the paint is pretty good for 38 years, should I try to buff out?
I do have some cancer work
I want it to be heard also, glass packs or?
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