Goodbye Long Bed, Hello Short Bed
Goodbye Long bed, Hello Short Bed,
I am going to bite the bullet and do it. I have had a 1970 C10 long bed for about 6 years. It was giving to me by my father in law. Every time I look at it I wish it was a short wheel base. Sorry lwb lovers. It has been great the few times I have needed to move someone's couch, but for me, the swb's look so much better.
I love my truck! It is nothing special other then the fact that it is mine (and free). It runs great (350 SB & 700R4).
I have read all the articles and I am going to do it. (cut the frame). I am starting this thread for two reason.
1.) The threads by other guys like Lewis Fabrication Design, Inc. have been invaluable. I have learned so much and I am so thankful, I guess this is sort of my way to “pay it forward”. I don’t think I will add much but maybe I will inspire another person to dive in and enjoy this great hobby.
2.) Secondly, I think this will help me a little with the accountability and motivation to keep working. I am not good at “finishing the job”. That has been my biggest fear, is that I would cut my truck in half and then it would stay that way for a year.
Well, I will post some pick and update the process along the way.
Thanks for all the encouragement guys!