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Old 12-26-2008, 10:31 PM   #3
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Re: 3/5 drop on my 84

Originally Posted by N2TRUX View Post
I think you might be close on the tire height. I have never lowered one only 3" and retained the tall tires so I can't be sure.

What I can recommend is to consider running drop spindles rather than 3" springs. Since your on a budget, I suggest a 2.5" spindle and a 1" spring. If that doesn't fit your budget consider the spindles and cut one coil off your stock springs. Just be careful when you cut them and don't get the springs hot.
I already bought the springs and flip kit. They are DJM and came with the rear shock relocators. I got everything off of craigslist for $50. I just don`t have the money for spindles. This is what I`ve got but this is my only truck so I can`t afford the downtime to try installing the drop only to have it not clear anything and have to take it back out.
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