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Old 12-27-2008, 12:32 PM   #3
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Re: 65 factory power steering?

Ditto what joe231 says. Power-assist steering was available on the 4-5-6 Chevy trucks, similar to the car set-up of the same years. This system used a hydraulic cylinder, in lieu of a power steeering gear box, to achieve the power feature. They are rather pricey, per what I have seen on eBay.

I have a few trucks that have this factory set-up on them and they work fine. The pump, mounted to the engine, is the same Saginaw old style pump. If it works properly, you can use it with the factory set-up or utilize the pump with a Saginaw power steering gear box, with the proper hoses.

If you like factory, which I prefer, it can be used successfully. Keep us posted on your decision.

PS, welcome to the forums from Kansas City, KS. Remember to post early and often, especially photos. Happy Holidays.

Last edited by LILRED66; 12-27-2008 at 12:33 PM.
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