70 RS/SS I responded in my other thread. If you have any other questions email me @
MeanYellowZ@Hotmail.com and I would be glad to help....by the way, I have been looking at moving to northern Arizona for a while...gonna try and roadtrip out there in the next couple months!
As far as the trans question earlier, hooking up an LS engine to a Th400 or 350 etc is very easy. If you are starting with a 5.3, most should have the concave style flexplate and I have found some with extra set of converter bolt holes that fit one of the old school patterns perfectly, otherwise you have to slightly elongate the three ls torque converter holes in the flexplate which is no big deal as the converter is still centered by the snout anyway. Other than that you need a GM spacer and bolts regularly used on 6.0 engines, the part numbers can be found all over with a simple search, off the top they are 12563532 and 12563533 I think....thats just off the top of my head. Anyhow with the dished flexplate you install it first, then the spacer, then the bolts, the spacer is what holds the converter snout in place. This method uses a standard old school TH400/ 350 converter and is that simple. The trans bolts up with 5 bolts instead of 6 and its works fine.
sorry for the long wind