Thread: 2wd conversion
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Old 12-30-2008, 02:12 PM   #6
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Re: 2wd conversion

I've got a buddy in Tucson that has done this exact swap at least 20 ish times?! He is an old pro and they are fairly straight forward, especially with the front crossmember assembly, drill some holes, bolt it on and the front is done more or less. The rear is up to you lowered leafs is the easiest way, the stock coil sprung crossmember and trailing arms will work, but a small half round piece of metal will need to be added to the rear frame rails where the frame sits on the coil springs, as the 4X4 rear frame rails are straight and the 2wd rails have a kick-out to match up with the coil. The other option is to modify the rear 2wd suspension and use bags, etc since you have to fab up some things to get the stock oe set-up to fit, this same amount of work could net you a pretty trick rear suspsion, that could lay pavement (well if you are OK with raising the bedfloor, but, well I am getting off track here!!)

The reasons/methods I mention above are the MAIN reason I question why a guy that wants to customize (read: "REALLY" customize a 2wd Blazer, since none of the 2wd frame atributes are going to be saved if you C-notch the frame (the section you remove to C-notch is the part of the frame with the kickouts, which is the main identifyer of an oe 2wd frame!) and BTW a bit of info, you may not be aware of is that the 4X4 front frame rails are an inch higher than the 2wd's so you get an extra inch of drop when converting a 4X4 frame to 2wd!! If you have questions, LMK and I'll get you in touch with my friend in Tucson, but the article that is linked looks very thorough, good luck and welcome to the 2wd club!!
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