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Old 12-31-2008, 08:20 PM   #1
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Location: Dushore Pennsylvania
Posts: 17
project '49 green machine Im young and dumb

well im 19 and just found this site through one of my buddies. Since i was about 8 or 9 i was eyeing up this '49 chevy pickup that sat behind a barn by my house. As time went by and i got older i gave up on trying to find the owner of the truck until one day when i was working at penndot. Luck had it that I found the owner. It was an older guy that i worked with. I said id been eyeing this old truck behind a barn by my house and he said well i bought that truck 3 years ago and decided not to fix it up cause i couldnt get it out. So $50 later and lots of blood, sweat, and fuel tugging the truck out this is what i have. I dont know where to go with it. Im thinking a 350 or 400 engine, saginaw 4 speed and a ford 9 inch but i dont know what to get the 9 inch out of. Im gonna find a early 80's malibu and use the subframe out of it. Im still young and dumb and id appreciate it if you older guys could give me alittle help on it. Ill upload pictures once i get them off the camera.
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