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Old 01-02-2009, 05:20 AM   #1
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Smile Lisle 40800 parking brake cable remover

I have told a few about this tool and for Christmas I got one. It is a Lisle 40800 parking brake cable removal tool. Here is there description:

Removes most parking brake cables.
This double ended tool will remove parking brake cables from the brake backing plate and the chassis mounting bracket. The cylindrical tool ends compress the spring fastner for easy disassembly. Use smaller end for Ford Escort, Topaz and Tempo. Use larger end for other vehicles.

1. Select the proper tool end based on the spring size.
2. Slide the tool head over the brake cable end.
3. Force the tool head over the spring fastner to compress the three fingers.
4. Pull brake cable to remove.
Now no more fighting with those little tangs that hold the cable to the backing plates and to the frame. I havent had a chance to use it but will someday. Could have used this along time ago. Not sure of the price, as I said it was a gift. But you should be able to take the part number to any place that sells lisle tools and get a price and get one. I hope you enjoy.

Mods: If this is in the wrong place feel free to move it where it belongs after everyone has had a chance to see it. Thanks
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