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Old 03-02-2003, 12:12 AM   #1
1971 C20 Custom Camper
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Ames/Shenandoah, IA
Posts: 1,435
Hi I'm another new guy


My name is Chris, I am in High School, and I am new to this forum. I have lurked around this forum for a couple of weeks now, and I finally decided to become a member. This is a great site, fun to read, helpful, and it looks like a bunch of nice folks.

Currently I own a 1979 1/2 ton 4x4 with a 350 in it. It's pretty rugged, but it's my first truck . For quite a few months it has been sitting at my house doing nothing because we didn't have a title for it until several weeks ago. I don't have any pics, so sorry, I would post some if I had them but I don't have a digital camera or a scanner .

My dad's friend spotted a much nicer 1979 1/2 ton 4x4 with a 400 in it. I am told it has only around 67,000 original miles on it so it should be a very good truck. I don't know a whole lot more about it besides it has a very good body and a decent interior. The guy that owns it is a truck driver so he is on the road a lot and won't be back until sometime around Easter so I won't be able to see it or buy it until then . I sure hope it's worth the wait .

Well it seems I have run out of things to talk about for now, so, until next time!

'71 Chevy C20 Custom Camper, 454, TH400

'97 GMC K1500 5.7L
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