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Old 01-04-2009, 08:02 PM   #35
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Re: Look what you guy's made me do!!

Thanks guys. I tried the screwdriver with the hammer technique and trashed the heck out of the oil filter. It work after about 2 hours of wrenching and jamming my fingers in that small space. Thanks for the tip. Thats why I cant get enough of this site It seems everything on this truck is locked on tight.

Also thanks for all the compliments on the new(old) truck. I have a lot planned for it and too many project going on at once. My engine tech is being very lazy with the hook up on the motor. So I decided to start buying my suspension stuff to lay the frame. I have two projects going on at once,so this one is going to be a daily driver/rest mod. No rush on this one
Long live SLIM
At least try to buy American
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