Well You all here must have some awesome powers of prayer.
My aunt did come look at the house but she is not interested...however yesterday someone came to show the house and they made me an offer last night, and I signed the papers as did they today. I close on March 28.
Although this is good .....it still sucks...its going to be the final chapter in my marriage with my wife which I still love and it will be the beginning of the seperation of my son from me everynight and day. I can see him when ever I want but it will not be easy with my schedule and mine intermixing.
I will do what ever I can to see him and be part of his life but its not going to be easy that is for sure.
So I guess now the hard part begins...boxing up things and moving them to my folks house. I also have to call the portable building company and have them deliver or build me a bldg to put all my stuff in. Its gonna be a busy month for me so pardon if I am not on that much....well I will be at work....
Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, crazy dances or whatever you did, it seems to have worked.
I guess I will go finish installing my elec. fan switch now.