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Old 01-05-2009, 11:33 AM   #1
283 Drama Queen
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"Don’t tighten it any more - it’s going to crack"!

That’s what my kid was telling me as we tried to mount the TH350 on the ‘283’ and I made and amateur’s mistake. Used longer bolts (1.5") to draw the transmission on to the motor, without making sure the torque converter was seated all the way.

About 30 seconds after he said that: PING!

Broke the aluminum casting right at the passenger side thrust pin. It took out the bolt hole above it and cracked half-way through the pin hole, in a piece about 3" long and 1" deep into the bell housing.

Taking it to the welder Wednesday afternoon to see if he can save it.

Happy New Year.
For about 12 years of my adult life I had a severe speech impediment.
My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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