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Old 01-06-2009, 07:38 AM   #1
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Doing a few items on LILRED66

I have my '66 Chevy C10 (LILRED66) at my shop at my house, doing a few miscellaneous things. Not much to show for, but I have been chasing an electrical gremlin and dealing with a pinhole leak in my factory Harrison 4-core Desert Cooler radiator. As with most of my projects, they start with a "short-list" of a few items and before I know it, I have a full page of "things to do".

In any case, I am having the radiator dipped, to clean up the build-up and leak tested/repaired, as needed. I am also repairing a few cracks in the original V8 radiator shroud.

I decided to replace the horn relay, voltage regulator and condenser, to make sure everything is up to snuff. I had already replaced all the wiring harnesses during the initial assembly about 5 years ago. The battery was bad, but luckily still under warranty, so I am putting in a new battery...the alternator checked out OK, so it is going back in. I also decided to do the headlight relay upgrade on the head lights, while I had it apart.

While I am at it, I decided to install a factory battery box, since the old one was not correct. These items, along with replacing several mismatched fasteners and the tailgate chain assemblies, I should have enough to keep me busy for a few hours.
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Last edited by LILRED66; 01-06-2009 at 07:40 AM.
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