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Old 01-06-2009, 11:30 PM   #13
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Re: 700r4 questions help..........

i just did this 700r4 conversion 1 month ago the driveshaft out of a 1993 chevy 1500 swb with the 700r4 is the exact fit you need i got myne used for 35 bucks this will only work if your is a swb you will also need a cross joint your local driveline shop will have them its a u joint that will go from big driveshaft to the smaller rearend yoke i just went to spicer drivetrain told them what i was doing and he went in the back and got the exact ujoint i needed the crossmember will slide back where it needs to go the 700r4 uses a single bolt mount i just took a grinder and cut a slit from bolt hole to bolt hole on the crossmember works perfect you will also need a tv cable corrector depending on which carb you have i have a holley so this is the one i used it was like 32 bucks what it does is correct the geometry of the throttle lever so that you have the corect shift points. makes a big difference and on a 700r4 it needed more than anything. the reason that there used to be som many problems with 700r4 is because people installed aftermarket carbs like holley edelbrock and with out the tv cable adjusted properly you will burn your tranny up the bracket is just an extra precaution. the only other thing i needed was th chrome cable brcket from autozone cost $18. also here is some info on adjusting the tv cable

Last edited by 70clone; 01-06-2009 at 11:37 PM.
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