Originally Posted by 71Farmtruck
Get yourself some drop hangars and shackles as well, they are hell to install but are way better than messing with your leaf springs
Huh, oh yeah I was talking about mesuring the front coil springs that were on my truck, but I did move the hangers, and did shackles, and removed two
springs, which was very hard compaired to doing a flip kit IMO.
I kick myself now for not doing a flip kit and saving myself the trouble of
grinding off all the rivet heads, and then drilling the rivets, then prying the
hangers off of the rivets/frame, then centering on the marks and welding.
Installing the shackles was not that bad, but removing those two leafs from
the spring pack was a workout.
Maybe the only drawback from a flip kit is you will have to grind off the
bump-stop bracket, four rivets I think.
But anyway there must be something that makes a Big 10 higher than a normal 1/2 ton. Could only be springs or spindles.
I asked my neighbor to dig those spindles out, but I think he was too tired.
He works night shift a Target and I think over 40 hours this week allready.
I gave those old parts to him to scrap, but he put them up someplace insted.
He's a Chevy head himself.