Originally Posted by hobsiscool
I have only had this truck for one warm period and this is the first cold period...so as far as i know, no it does not smoke on startup when warm...since i have gotten it though, it has had the head rebuilt, transmission rebuilt, carb rebuilt, and converted to floor shifter instead of 3 on the tree....i also have had the oil pan gasket replaced...no longer leaking any oil there....i do have to add oil occasionally...have not noticed having to add any coolant...the smoke is a blue/white...i guess i would need to see them next to each other in order to distinguish clearly....i posted the video with the tailpipe smoking to show what it was doing...actually the head was rebuilt right before I obtained it, so I don't know what kind of a job was actually done as far as quality or exactly what was done...this truck was a red headed step child before it reached me so who knows...anyway...hopefully i can get it all sorted as I would like the build the 6 instead of replacing it...i think it would be a more unique engine to have.
Blue smoke is from oil white is from water. If the motor has lots of miles on it and it runs good I wouldn't worry about it. Keep an eye on your oil and water levels. When you get to the point that you're going to rebuild it then have it done right and you'll be fine.