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Old 01-07-2009, 09:53 PM   #15
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Re: PT cruiser door handle swap need info

Originally Posted by ebfabman View Post
Kevin, the uphill tilt has been an undesirable look the pt cruiser handles. Sounds like you are scraping the idea. Everyone has their preference but I really like the pt handles. Why not try the opposite of your little stand and recess the bottom area of the handle area and see if maybe it looks better. If I have a few minutes tomorrow I'll mock one up and post a few pics

I thought about that as well but the amount that they would have to go in ( = to what I cane out almost) puts the handle real close to the body. So when you put your fingers in to grab the handle they hit both at the same time if you know what I mean. Now you could always take the pocket section out of a 60-66 and use that for the mounting area. The body roll is almost a dead ringer for the 67-72's.

LFD Inc.

And the PT handle is almost the same size as the 60-66
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