Thread: Smog removal
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Old 01-08-2009, 03:29 PM   #3
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Re: Smog removal

Something to think about:

First, 75 and older do not need to be smogged in Cali!

Second, since you don't have to do the biennial smog or provide a smog cert. when selling you should not have a problem not running the original smog equip.

there's always a but, if EVER you get pulled over, doesn't matter what for, the officer can at his discretion look at your vehicle including under the hood. If he/she determines, in his/her expert (not) opinion you have modified something he can give you a fix it ticket, or impound your car. This usually depends on what you did to get pulled over in the first place and also if the officer got any the night before etc etc etc.

It's never black or white. Just something to keep in mind.

Disclaimer: Just my .02

Welcome to the board from down 50 from you. And, please post some pics of your ride asap! or you may be flamed by thousands and thousands of Blazer/Jimmy fans.
'71 Jimmy, 350, SM465, NP205, 2in Tuff Country lift, 33s on rallies, TBI, softtop and hardtop

"If life was fair you'd be able to afford one of each and a garage large enough to house them all."

Last edited by 71jimmy; 01-08-2009 at 03:34 PM. Reason: add welcome
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