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Old 01-08-2009, 08:23 PM   #23
Tx Firefighter
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Azle, Texas
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Re: Building a dually my way....

Well, today's installment should be called "How I know Kevin is quirky".

First, I must say I HATE, HATE, HATE to pay anyone to do anything for me. If I can't do it myself, it doesn't usually get done. My girlfriend learned this when I did my own stitches to avoid an ER visit.

Anyway, I spent time today breaking down my old wheels and junk tires off the donor trucks. This is how I break the bead on my tires. I use my trailer tongue and a piece of steel against the tire. Just screw the jack up and the weight of the trailer will push the tire off the bead.

After that, a couple of long Snap-On prybars and Bob's your uncle, the tire is off.

After doing all of those, I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the front spindles.

My bead blast cabinet is due to arrive tomorrow and my powder coat rig on Saturday. If I can find an oven real fast, I will powdercoat the spindles and rotors.

Hopefully, another progress update this weekend.

I'm on the Instagram- @Gearhead_Kevin
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