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Old 01-09-2009, 01:53 AM   #9
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Re: 69 Chevy 1 Ton Dually Cummins

Originally Posted by Tiger Hays View Post
Well I was going to buy a new truck so this is my going to be my new truck.1 ton 4x4 dually just like the dodge I drove up in but with Chevy clothes on!I am looking for a wrecked or rolled sideswiped rearended or whatever Dodge but I am going with a automatic this time I am tired of shifting gears,also a friend will take that other frame yu have at the price you told me last if you still have it,if you would rathrer not no big deal.

Same price...still have it. I have had 3 people back out on buying it with the same old excuse "man, thats a nice frame...let me see if I can get the rest of the money on payday"...and they never show back up or call...

Wrecked truck as long as the frame isnt bent is best way to go.. Finding the right one is another story. Never can find one that is getting parted out near me for a decent price. People still think that a wrecked 12v truck is worth $5000+. Need a single cab frame, but short or long...that depends on what you plan on doing for a bed. Wheel base is the key... From my measurements, width is good...length with a fleet side bed is the problem. I believe you might have to shorten the frame a bit. Single cab to single cab might be ok, but if you have a club cab dodge, you will have to shorten the frame and all the brake and fuel lines along with the driveshaft. Doing a flat bed makes my life simple.
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