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Old 03-03-2003, 05:57 PM   #5
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Damn neighbors!
There was a kid that lived across the street from me, hes only 2 years or so younger then me. Anyway he was always talking this and that. He has this or he did that. We got sick of it and starting talking sh*t all the time. Like this one time he was bragging about getting this new job, where he got paid mad bank. He said Im gonna buy me two cars (he doesnt have even one yet), my friend laughed, I said why dont you buy one car and a house, then you wouldnt have to live with your mother. He didnt like that at all. It kinda shut him up for the rest of the day. I found out not long ago that he is homeless and living on the streets, also here that he is addicted to crystal meth. Sorry to go on and on, but I hate when you dont want to go outside and do something because your neighbor is a jack@$$.
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