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Old 01-14-2009, 12:19 AM   #13
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Re: High School Senior English Project Help

Just a few crazy ideas, but, make a list of what the truck needs as far as bodywork goes. For example:

Fenders, dents and rust
Cab, cab corners, some floor, supports
Bed floor, replaced
Bed sides, dents and rust
Inner fenders, ...
Core support, ...

Next create an outline of how repairing these things should happen. Example:

Rust, cut out bad bits. Fabricate/buy patches or replace (wuss)
Dents, (Research panel beating), provide details

Once you have an outline (skeleton) flesh it out w/ sentences, paragraphs, etc. to make a presentation.

Chances are good you'll have more than you need and then need to make it shorter. This is better than having to drag things out and make it longer.

Build it in steps to make it easier...

This is pretty much what you hopefully were taught in some English class along the way, or at least I was...
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