Originally Posted by 4dranch
Can you register the old plates?
Well, that’s the kicker - this is the original plate that came with the truck (circa 63’ strike when convicts still made them) and that’s why I wanted to redo it. The local Imperial Authorities will no-doubt give me much grief for only having a rear license plate and a "Heartbeat of America" unit on the front - but I don’t really care. Until they make me buy new, white & blue plates - I’m going to stick it to The Man.
Originally Posted by 502tripower
Nice...Here is the plate I am using on my truck. I am just going to wax it up and call it good. I kind of like the original look.
Yep - exactly what I should have done.
Originally Posted by slepysal
One trick is to use one of those small paint rollers ,the foam ones used for trim found at home depot. I will dab some paint on the letters/ numbers and roll over it using light pressure.
Okay - I’ll do one more finish coat with this idea. The ‘Q-Tip’ method, the mask the letters and spray the black, and the mask the black and spray the letters ideas sucked incredibly, unless you stand about twenty feet back and don’t have real great eyesight.