Re: How Many "Tools" Need a Toolbox??
First real job I ever had was doing brake jobs and tires at a GM dealer. I was 16 and used all the other guys' tools, largely Snap-On and Mac, but a few others here and there. I remember when a new guy fresh out of vocational school got hired, 22 years old, said he was already 25K in debt just for the box and tools he needed to land a job, not to mention the school loans. After working at that shop, and using my Craftsman tools I've had for a long time, I absolutely agree there is a difference.
It makes your work easier, more accurate, and less painful. It costs you less time, it helps you reuse parts because the tool you used fit the job.
However, I spend my money on parts at home. I don't make my living turning wrenches, I make my living so I can feed 4 kids and a wife, and spend any crumbs leftover on parts for my truck. If you gave me 1K and told me to spend it on myself, I'd buy parts (or a truck). If I needed a tool to do a job, I'd save my dough and buy the tool at Sears. Then, when it broke, I cuss and replace it. Well, I'd probably cuss even if i didn't break the tool (I spent 4 years in the Navy, and that's my excuse).
Met list: Cyclone,Wilson,TranzAm,extd56,hotrodhomi,mnky30,Rokcrln,Brad,JerryJones(well, his truck anyway).