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Old 03-04-2003, 04:40 AM   #1
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70 4x4 chevy pu axles vs 71 4x4 blazer axles

does anyone know if there were any differences between front and rear axles/housings used in 4x4 trucks vs those used in 4x4 blazers. Were some heavier than others. Both are 1/2 ton models.

I am restoring a 70 4x4 and I purchased a 71 4x4 blazer donor vehicle for parts. The blazer has front discs which I will use. I don't know whether I should replace the whole assembly or just remove the discs. One thing that might have a bearing on this is that the blazer has a detroit locker in the front. I would want to swap that out too. The gears on both vehicles are 3.08. And what about the rear? neither one seems to be posi in the back, yet I don't know if the axle housings are of the same construction. I have not compared the drum sizes yet. Want to check axles and see if maybe the blazer had any modifications done to the rear. Anything in particular I may look at?

Any knowledge on any of this?

Thanx again
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