Re: whats the biggest reasoning for switching to 5 lug other than disc brakes
When I did my disc brake conversion and drop I stayed with the 6 lug because I had no money after doing so to buy any thing more. The cost of new rims and rear axles was not in the budget at the time.
Then after running that set up for awhile and saving some money up for rims I could not find any 6 lug that I liked. I then went ahead and bought my 5 lug axles and the 5 lug rims I wanted.
So to me it all depends on your circumstances. If you have to buy new wheels anyway thats one equalizer. If you go through rotors alot the 5 lug are less expensive to replace and for sure will never go out of production. If you plan on adding rear disc brakes down the road 5 lug makes it more affordable and you have more kit choises and opertunity to build your own kit.
It's not truly yours if you didn't build it yourself or if you don't do your own maintenance.