Thread: Alternator ??
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Old 03-04-2003, 12:40 PM   #7
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Originally posted by PHOENIX
Checker sales 100 amp life-time warranty alternators for less then $100. I traded in my stock alternator awhile back and got the 100amp. It hasnt given me any problems and we hooked it up to my fathers machine at the dealership and it put out the power as stated. It really starts pumping the juice at just off idle (1500 rpm or so). Do you run alot of accessories? Do you have an electric pump for your bag setup? The more power you run at idle the dimmer your lights will get. Im gonna buy a overdrive pulley for my alternator, except I cant remember where I got the price from. I have to recheck the mfg's. If it works out the way id like Ill be sure to post and let you guys know about the pulley.
Check and see if AZ offers something similar to the 100amp im talking about.
I do have an engine driven comp and it puts out the same juice as a normal ac comp. I should be fine as this old azz alt didn't have any probs turning it.
I'm gonna take the rusty pos off tomorrow and go get a new one.
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