Summer Airport Drag Pics
Our car club held a heads up drag race day at the local airport this summer, we set up a 1/8 mile track on the main runway. We raced all three of our classic trucks with varying results. I'm driving the red 1968 (307 3 speed), my oldest son is driving the 1970 Green Machine (305 4 speed) and the orange 1971 C20 (383 TH350). These pics and over a hundred more were taken by the local newpaper, they shared the pics with us.
Pic 1 and 2 (different races) of the blue truck with built 350 about to get his butt kicked by our 383. They lined up 4 or 5 times until he finally gave up !
Pic 3. Me about to get my butt kicked by the coupe.
Last edited by Green Machine; 01-17-2009 at 01:18 AM.