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Old 01-17-2009, 09:36 AM   #11
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Re: Summer Airport Drag Pics

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
Where it all began!Thatnks for sharing.You must have had a great time.That`s as American as apple pie and baseball.

Toyota won in the short run.The`68 has already won in the long run.Now put them to work as trucks and see how the Toyota stacks up.

I would take that bet!!!!!!

There ain't no way that one of this old buckets can or will keep up with a new toyota like the 5.7 tundra....
You asked how I know? Well 24 years working for toyota and have had at least seven of this tundras as my company demo in the past two years and I have done things with these trucks that I know that my fully built C10 would never be able to do.

Now back to the original programming:

Cool picts and would love to be able to attend something like that with sylvester!!!
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please!!!!!.

Sylvester's build thread >>>
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