What problems will I have with a V-Belt, long pump SB pulley setup in my 67?
I'm in the setup stages of the motor swap portion of my build up, & I have a running 327 with a long water pump V Belt pullet setup that I'm planning to put into my 67GMC. I'm wondering what problems will I run into with this setup? Lower rad hose? Shroud/clutch fan issues? I'm sure this has been seen before & I'd like to not have to collect a whole other set of pullies & brackets for a short pump setup. I'm going to place the motor in the correct V8 location. Thanks for your help & advice!
-TWO 1967 GMC 910's. One with L6/3-on-the tree and the other with 355 w/435hp & a 700r4.
-a 2013 Honda Civic as my "sensible" car
Last edited by passthebuck; 01-18-2009 at 02:53 PM.
Reason: spelling