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Old 01-22-2009, 01:37 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Carleton Place, Ontario CANADA
Posts: 984
72 vs. 71 Calipers?

I see that 71 & 72 have different part numbers, but can anybody tell me the difference? I ask because I have a set of spindles off of what I was told was a 71, but the casting number on the caliper is 5471172. I just want to make sure I get the correct caliper is all. Will 71 & 72 calipers fit each others spindles? Is there really a difference? Thanks!
-TWO 1967 GMC 910's. One with L6/3-on-the tree and the other with 355 w/435hp & a 700r4.
-a 2013 Honda Civic as my "sensible" car
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