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Old 01-22-2009, 05:26 PM   #1
Marty Gable
Still working on the COE
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Loveland, Colorado
Posts: 71
new old project back under way

Howdy to all fellow truck guys,
Starting my COE project back up again. Sad part is that I have had this thing for prob 8 years now, tossed and turned about what to run for drive train. Untill recently with gas prices going up then back down and without doubt heading up again. The COE is getting stretched about 5' for a back seat, still not sure if im doing a 4 door cab or 3 door version. I do know that I plan to use the Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel for power and drivetrain, most likely 92/93 model with a 5 spd manual. One question I have is, I understand that the Dodge 2wd models had junk front ends (yes its Dodge we all know its junk to Chevy) and that the 4wd model was better? Thoughts?

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