Heater control panel
I had the typical problem a lot of us run into. The back seperated from the face of the heater control panel. I fixed it by drilling thru the face, conter sinking some screws and bolting together form the back. Normal repair. I put in new control arms and a switch while at it. (Anybody know how to get the knobs off the stock control arms without breaking the arm?) Nothing special about what I did except that I did not replace the stock cover on the face plate. I had some aluminum tape lying around that has an engine turned patern so I used that. Gives a bit of a different look. I prefer engine turning that overlaps in the circle areas but this is what I had handy until I can hand turn some aluminum and replace it. I intend to do the gauge cluster also. Time to put the knobs on and get it back in the truck. Tired of operating the cables by using a phillips screwdriver to pull/push the cables.