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Old 03-05-2003, 03:03 PM   #44
English Chevy Owner
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Shropshire, UK/ Lot, France
Posts: 1,848
1) Fit the correct P/S pump and pulleys currently sat in the garage
2) Tidy up engine bay, new hoses, tidy wiring etc
3) Pull out interior , repair one or two small holes in floor, repaint, fit new carpetand sound insulation, clean up under dash wiring.
4) Fit front speakers
5) Fab aluminium angle frame for top of bed and have tonneau cover made locally (Two scrounged lengths of aluminium in garage
6) Replace large ugly stainless roll over bar with more subtle light bar to take the four large chrome Hella spotlights in my attic
7) Apply a good dose of anti-rust wax to underbody and all cavities before next winter.
8) If I can find one in the UK fit front sway bar
9) Sand down bed wood and re-finish
10) Fit alarm of some kind

All subject to funds, time and the wifes approval! I have a 100 year old neglected house to finish renovating, a forge to get up and running and a garden to landscape.

'67 C10 long fleet.
350/TH350, 4 bbl Carter, K&N, Dual exhaust, loads of stuff coming soon

2001 S10 Blazer Daily Driver, bone stock 4 door 4x4 with manual transmission

Last edited by Lippyp; 03-05-2003 at 03:10 PM.
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