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Old 01-25-2009, 02:07 AM   #9
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Re: Adjustable Panhard Bar Which one 2 use ECE/CPP?

I think when it comes to the panhard bar(super track bar as ECE calls it), I like CPP version of the mount that goes on the trailing arm.

ECE is top notch in service, I have been reading about these guys when I was in high school(both days).

rex01atv, I see where I lost you in my previous post. I was trying to answer all questions at once. My reference to the the e-brake tabs was another issue I was talking about. On my setup they are close to the frame just under two inches(my frame is sitting on the axle tube) so if you run a notch they may touch the frame. You can solve this with blocks as mentioned above, which is a great idea; to be able to add more pressure to the bags but still have the lowered stance.

I was talking jiberish and I apologize.

- Danny
Atlanta Craigslist
Hurst Indy Pickup Truck 3-Speed Shifter - 5010016

Last edited by Kayotic; 01-25-2009 at 02:17 AM.
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