Originally Posted by thunderkiss65
First, I'd like to say hi to everyone on the forums here. I recently got a 65 chevy that I'm working on a little bit and am really wanting to ditch the front drums. Aside from being a 5 lug, will the front end components (a arms to spindles) on a box chevy bolt up to my 65 chassis? I got to talking with a local body guy and he said that it would work, but it seems like a stretch to me. If anyone could give me some help on this it would be great. thanks
Ive got a65 swb that Im currently in the process of doing the same thing to.Yes rotors spindles and calipers from 73 to 87 will work for this truck you will however have to change upper , lower ball joints and outer tie rod ends to match components.You can use inner tie rods but you must use a special adjuster sleave ( got mine from performance online.com) good luck