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Old 01-27-2009, 08:22 PM   #3
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Re: Help me Rock My Ride and possibly win $500 for your truck...

Originally Posted by '72 Chevy Suburban View Post
Thanks! My goal would be to find one person that the truck would appeal to and hopefully they will have enough money to buy it! I will remain open minded for now... If they did something really great with the paint, it might change my mind. I gave them some strong suggestions in this area.
Well, If they do "Pimp" your ride, Lucky for you there's millions of people that like that sort of thing and would love to buy it... So, if it looks like a drug dealer's g-ride, it'd be easy to sell it to a drug dealer for quick cash.... And you know it'll be cash paid. seriously though, i'm sure it'll be nice. Were the Lambo doors your idea? I'm kinda wondering what rims are on it for the radio station people to keep mentioning how cool they were. I'm betting on at least you'll at least be rolling on dubs. Maybe twomp twomps or twa foes. Na meen.
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