I just installed a tach I bought from Autozone. A cheap $45 whiteface. It is one of the simplest and easiest thing I have done to this truck EVER!!!! Even the bolt on stuff was harder.... It took me about 45 min. in all. It's cool beans! I didn't hook it up to the best ground ever, so when I turn off the engine, it jumps to 4000 before going back to 0. Hehe. I'm too lazy to run a ground all the way from the battery to the tach. I put it under the steering column to the left. Not in the best spot ever, but a great temparary place untill I get a strap to put it on the steering column.
I'm replacing the steering wheel tomorrow due to the old one being torn up & the mounting holes are striped. Only two bolts are holding my steering wheel on right now.

It wiggles!

The LED project will continue this weekend. I've been in Sacremento every weekend for a month so I haven't had time. I've been using a metal coat hanger to run alot of the wires and had to drill out rivits in the rubber door wire guard (is that even what it is called???). I'll keep you guys posted.