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Old 01-28-2009, 02:09 PM   #1
Transplanted Dixie chick!!
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Central Alabama
Posts: 330
Hubby goes fishin'....

and catches a '70 K10. Well...not all the way home. He couldn't load it on the trailer he had, so he and his buddy checked the gas, said it was good. Fiddled with the thing and finally it started. They drove it to the beach-house (about 30 miles away) doing 70 mph. When they got it to the beach-house, they dug and found out it had been registered to Jerry last year (hubby thought it had been sitting and not used in over 5 years).

So...he caught the big one all right. And best of was FREE. Yes....I said free! Jerry had told him he had "an old POS truck in my yard I want moved". Stan asked him what it was and he told him a 40 year old 4x4. That peaked Stan's interest. Stan asked how much he wanted for it and Jerry said just get it out of his yard. pics at the moment, not 'til they get it to Central Alabama at least. So looks like the kid will have a beater 'til the '67 gets up and running. And I was worried which to get '00 GMC or '02 Dodge.
To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid!!

Last edited by LooseScrews; 01-28-2009 at 02:09 PM.
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