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Old 01-30-2009, 01:12 PM   #1
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Help!! GM/Rochester carb !! inline 6 "270"

Hi Guys. I bought the '59 a few months ago. I have been cleaning it up and trying to get road ready as it has been sitting for several years. Once I sweet talked the pack rats into moving out of it I finally got it running but it needed a carb rebuild. Long story short... I have lost/misplaced a critical part, or maybe my "safe for all metals" parts cleaner disolved it? Either way... I desperately need help replacing it.. Is it a jet? it had a "check" ball inside of it. Fortunately I took pics during the teardown so I do have some info. In the first pic the missing part is on the upper left. Pic 2 shows the rebuilt carb and the hole where missing part is supposed to be. Any info appreciated.
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