Been Away for a few (icey) days
As the topic says.
In our area, we're all victims of a MAJOR ice storm. You may have seen it on CNN or the Weather Channel. First time we ever had one like this here in 30 years, and far & away worst I've ever seen in my 61 years.
80-plus percent of the homes in the immediate North-Central Arkansas area were without electricity (no heat, no lights, no hot or cold water) for 4-plus days. Hundreds of power utility crews here from all over the Midwest - I don't envy those guys their jobs, working out in the real-cold & real-wet, & very dangerous conditions - whatever they earn, it's probably not enough.
Fortunately, we had (cold) public water at my house (at least you could get a drink & flush the commode). At my office, the power (& internet) was just turned back on today --- hot water & a bath tub makes you appreciate the joy of (finally) getting a bath !!! We're sleeping at work tonite.
Thousands --- literally thousands --- of big oak trees just totally shattered & are broken down from the ice load. Sounds like cannon-fire when one of those big old guys gives up & falls from the load. Many of the younger or tougher-trees were pulled out by their roots & fell, root ball & all.
I have a big oak tree limb & a downed power line laying on the ole blue 68-shortstep. Not too bad, I think --- maybe even no damage (it probably really will buff-out). Oh well, it is what it is. At least nothing fell on my house.
Many cars, trucks, & houses were smashed when big trees fell on them. Several houses have burned down when the power was turned back on, or auxilliary heat or generators were not used right, & the fire dept's have had a tough time getting to them.
Photos to follow, when or if can figure out how to get them off my stupid phone. You might know the digital camera wasn't at home when I needed it.
Last edited by 68shortstep; 02-01-2009 at 01:37 AM.