I was talking with Heather awhile bacl on a trick that I thought about on changing a flexplate. With the tranny loose from the crossmember mount and driveshaft dropped you then undo your tranny cooler lines, and unbolt the torque converter. Then take some at least Grade 8 bolts the same size and thread as the bolts in there but these 4 bolts will be much longer (like 8"). Then take the bolts out of the sides and replace with the new ones making sure to make them tight but still plenty of bolt length left (reason for long bolts). Now undo the rest of the bolts on the housing and of course with a jack supporting the weight of the tranny slide the tranny back on the cross member (tail of tranny) and the bolts will help keep straight and keep front supported somewhat. Remeber the tranny front will be heavy and you don't want to break the bolts or bell housing so try and support tranny with a jack as much as possbile. Now you can freely get to the flywheel bolts with no trouble at all. I would only slide the tranny back enough to get a socket wrench in. Also make sure to use new bolts (same size and length) and retorque to proper specs. Then just slide tranny back onto the bell housing (aren't you glad you used the long bolts to align it properly

) and refasten everything and recheck the tranny fluid level once warm.