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Old 02-03-2009, 04:05 PM   #1
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'83 Transmission crossmember

I am planning on building an exhaust for my '83, and was noticing that the transmission crossmember is shaped to where the driver's side has plently of room to route the exhaust above the crossmember, but the passenger side has almost no room at all. I know that it's because the truck originally came with single exhaust and a cat, so the driver's side of the crossmember provided plenty of clearance. Is there any other model that has a crossmember that will interchange that will give me equal spacing between the left and right sides? The truck is lowered, and I want as much ground clearance as possible. I could build one if necessary, but if the factory made one it'll save me the effort.

The engine is a 350, and the trans is a 700r4.
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